Sunday, September 23, 2012

Naturally Nails: OPI swimsuit Nailed it!

I know this blog has gone on hiatus for like ever? Haha So I've decided to revive it. I'm double posting from Onsugar and over here as well. Super extra right but well I wanna see the extent of blogger's reach as compared to onsugar now this it's connected to google and all. May be more convenient to just switch over. Wondering if it's easier to start from scratch or revive a kinda dead blog. Hmm..... Anwayss
ARgh it's Sunday already. There goes my beloved weekend. Waking up early in the morning is such a complete chore. Save me =( Here's what I did for my nails this week! =)

OPI swimsuit nailed it and china glaze's stone cold for the tips
OMG. I love OPIs swimsuit nailed it. It's the loveliest, most gorgeous blue shimmer in the world. Electric blue plus blue shimmer! I can feel my heart melting away. Normally, it kinda passes out as a medium blue, but under the light, it flashes almost cyan. Couldn't pass it up when I first swatched it at the departmental store so I just had to order it online! It's supposedly out of production already but somehow that store still retailed it? Now that I think of it, it may be a really ancient bottle but OH WELL.
Application was flawless as usual. No streaky lines. 2 coats for opacity. You could really get away with 1 coat but I like the colour to insanely intense. I am such an attention seeker LOL
THere's nothing much to the tips, I just smacked them on and voila! Stone cold is a beautiful asphalt colour that has a MATTE finish to it. Came out in the hunger games collection this one! Finally got my hands on it. The application is ok. I can't say I like it because it has the same texture as a crackle polish just thinner. Kinda coagulates on the bottle neck as a clean of the excess and dries really quickly. You've got to get the coat just right and paint it on ASAP with minimal brush strokes to get the best effect. Tricky to work with but pretty nonetheless. Super opaque and again could get away with 1 coat but it would look majorly uneven if you didn't get it right the first time round.
I must say, there really is something with nails being too long. Could be just me but some colours just work better on shorter nails while some other's just make your long nails ultra freaky. So, my trick is to paint on some tips to "mute" the colour. It works pretty well i think =) 
Here's another random shot of it =) Love this combination! I can imagine this colour on my toes already! One thing about the colour though (by this I refer to swimsuit) It stains very VERY BADLY. Even with a base coat, it still leaves my nails looking cyanotic (bascially suffocated) Which is mighty scary! BEWARE
On a side note, I have been haunted by this unbelievably incessant migrane that wont go away. I've had it for 3 days running already. No amount of sleep or bathing eases it. It's driving me nuts. =( Hopefully it will go away soon. 
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