Sunday, December 2, 2012

Naturally Nails: OPI Skyfall collection - Live and Let Die + Where to find Deborah Lippmann and Butter London in Singapore

HEY EVERYONE! Hope everything's been fine. Big shoutout to all those in UNI with fast approaching exams. All the best to you! Speaking of school, I've just found a gem in NUS. Don't ask me why I'm so lag in knowing this but DID YOU KNOW that over at YIH (Yusof Ishak House) on the level of the kopital and toastbox, there lies a humble little carriage and within carries a seletion of all you can imagine polishes! Ok not that exaggerated but it sure does carry alot and pretty updated too. For all those looking for the OPI 18k carat gold flake top coat from the Skyfall collection, I'm proud to say that you may find it there. Fair warning, it is VERY EXPENSIVE. Even the owner himself admitted LOL $34. O.M.G. For those dying to get your hands on the top coat but are really put off by the price, you can check out this vid I stumbled across on YT - How to DIY 24k Gold foil polish (I forget the title LOL but it's something like that)
Anyway, other than the normal OPI, China etc etc, he also carries, believe or it. DEBORA LIPPMANN AND BUTTER LONDON POLISHES. Hallelujah! Ok, then comes the price deterrace. $32 and $22 respectively. Quality really aptly put comes with a price. $$$$$$. Boo =( Why in the world am I giving free advertisement to this guy? Don't know. Was too excited about my find that I just had to share it with you guys. I asked the dude how long he'd be at NUS for, he said, to the end of the year. He's trying to get the spot for next year as well but he is already an ex student and that spot is sadly given priority to students. So cross our fingers and hope that he'll still be there. If not, he'll disappear somewhere and it'll be another hide and seek.  
Ok that was a little too much rambling. Reminds me of Blaire (Juicystar 07). Her intros are always really long but I can undestand why. If I were to have a YT account, I would too be rambling HAHAHAH Like how I am now again!
Onward to the nail look. Here's what I had on for the week. 
OPI Live and Let Die (Skyfall 2012 collection)
As you keen eyed people have probably noticed, the polish has worn off the tips of my nails. This is because it's about hmms 4 days old and I do a lot of typing, excessive perhaps and I was studding my shorts so..... YUP. Wear and tear damage. Please forgive and ignore. 
Live and Let die is a blacked green with mainly gold shimmer plus random bits of green and ?red shimmer as well. It's a gorgeous colour. You could seroiusly get away with 1 coat of this baby but again I went with 2 and top coat just because. It's OPAQUE MAX in 1 coat. Check out how it looks with one coat. (vampy Varnish's post). Application was smooth as butter with zero streaks. L.O.V.E.L.Y

Here's a close up of the sparkles. PRETTY. Really pretty up close. 
I know I know, it looks BLACK. I won't deny that because it really does. Especially when there's poor lighting and ESP so if you are a guy. Just imagine that it's a little green? LOL pardon the generalisation but there was this joke on 9gag going aroiund about guys being irrtated that there are so many names for different shades of colours when all they see is one colour. Unfortunately I can't find that post. Anyways, my beloved boyfriend also couldn't really catch the green under poor lighting. It's really more of a subtle thing, like it's almost black but NOT. I love that. 
As much as I adore this gorgeous shade, TBH (to be honest) I'm a little disappointed. This had the potential to be SO MUCH MORE but it isn't. Really sad that the sparkle only shows up ever so slightly on the nails. You really have to look for it, it doesn't even really glitter in the sunlight like Edward Cullen does (yet another movie that I refused to chase but have heard too much about). It glissens so much more in the bottle. Am I being anal? Perhaps but this is supposed to be quality nail polish after all, every detail counts. Maybe I didn't shake the bottle enough. OMG maybe I didn't, ok I will try a coat now. Ok that got my hopes up too high, it's still the same intensity of shimmer. Oh well. =(
Here's another picture of the shimmer back when I had just finished painting my nails. LOOK no chip marks! 
See what I mean about the sparkle, kinda too little going on. Alll in all I'm really having a schizo time with this polish. As much as I love it, I dont because it's gorgeous but disaapointing. Does that make sense? Like it could have been better! You know the whole it's good but not great thing that gets on overy ALMOST dean's listers nerve MUAHAHAH. I envisioned it so much prettier as I've repeated quite a few times like a broken recorder. Will I still wear it though? YES I WILL. See what I mean. Schizo. 

We are mid way through November now. It's ALMOST XMAS! I love xmas despite the lack of snow in our tropical country. It's the whole festive thing that really excites me. Actually no wait, my family and I will be away for xmas, in the land of Seoul! That I really can't wait! Shopping (not for clothes) and EATING. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE Korean cuisine. Spicy is right up my alley. Not to mention all the bbq meat and seafood. My salivary glands are really working now. 
Anyways, we're in monsson season now. It's been raining CATS AND DOGS HERE. Everyday the heavy raindroplets pour down relentlessly on every rooftop I'm under. Not to mention, my friend and I got HORRENDOUSLY DRENCHED in the crazy rain EVEN WITH AN UMBRELLA. It was the crazy wind, I was soaked from neck down, but I'm thankful my head wias dry and my hair didn't messed up. Also I thank god for jelly flats (from little things she needs), my shoes were immune to the wet water and little acidic rain WHOOO! My friend on the other hand had to unfortunately get a cheap pair of slippers because it would have been a real disaster if her marc jacobs horse hair shoes was soaked. Now we wouldn't want that would we. Just when I thought the whole rain saga was over and that I escaped kinda unscathed, I had to find something horrific when I looked at myself in the mirror. Now I didn't get struck by lightning but my white top got stained by my bag handle.... UGHHHHHHHH. Unfortunately, my damp white top (which was fortunately thick enough to prevent an awkward situation) kinda caused the colour to run =((( Now I have weird bag strap stains on my top =( Well, the plus side is that the weather's really cool and AWESOME FOR SNOOZING although bad if you have to drag yourself to work. UGHH. I guess this is our version of winter. 
Once again I am guilty of rambling. This is a disease I tell you but thanks for making it all the way down here =) LOVE YOU!
Thank you for reading! 
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